March 10, 2025

Currently the maximum amount a single person with disabilities can receive on Ontario Disability Support Program is $1169.

This is divided into two parts. There is a “Basic needs” of a maximum of $672 and a “Shelter allowance” of max $497. $1196 Total. Somehow we have to magically live on this.

So we are sending out a challenge to every candidate running for election in this Ontario Election 2022. Using the monthly amount that your party’s promised ODSP increase will give us, layout a budget for the month based on the actual cost of housing, utilities, food and transportation in your riding.

Please post/tweet your results using the hashtags #1169Challenge and #DoubleODSPNow. If you can’t do it, please show us how close you got, or what it would actually take to live bare minimum in your riding.

And then imagine living on that amount every day.

Let’s make change happen this election. Take your results and talk to your party, and tell them that we need to #DoubleODSPNow to take every person with disabilities out of poverty.

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